Sunday, May 5, 2013

Finally Finished My Second Book

Sorry for the very small number of updates lately, but I was busy writing The Codebreaker's Society, my second novel. Amazingly, I managed to finish it in under three weeks, though my first one took around a year and a half. I'd attribute that to the following:

1. Length: This book is around 48k words as a first draft. It might go up a little, but not beyond 55k. My first novel was around 110k in length. Shorter book obviously means less time to write it. But the thing is that I thought that both of my books stood good at those lengths. My longer book needed more length to tell the story, the shorter one had a story of just that length.

2. Planning: I didn't really plan Tales of Ink Sorcery. But I had spent a whole three weeks planning this book, writing down stuff about the characters, plotting scenes, etc. I knew the entire book before I wrote it. I made a few small additions, but the overall plot remained the same. For my first book I actually had to stop and think for hours regarding the plot as I had made it up as I went along. And I also had to rewrite almost half of it as well, because it wasn't too good. Not that my first draft of this is fantastic, but I think it's solid plot wise. There are still several changes and additions I think I need to work on, but on that later.

3. I've Gotten Better: Maybe this isn't as important as the first two. But this is the second time I'm writing a novel. Maybe I just got better.

For now though, I'll keep updating. I'm taking a break from my novel for a while, but I'll start editing it in around fifteen days. I hope the editing process will be shorter and simpler than that for my first novel, which had taken around five months in total. But I did get to learn a lot about revision from it, and hopefully this one will sell.

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